The farmer doesn’t say to the soil, “Find a way to get to the barn, get the plow hitched to the tractor, run the plow across your hardened self, and then have some seed sown on you, and bring forth fruit.”
The cloud does not say to the ground, “Find a way to come up to me and get water for yourself that your seed may be germinated.”
The sun does not say, “Little flower, come up through the atmosphere and cross the Milky Way to get the life-sustaining light I have.”
The stone mason does not say, “Stone, extricate yourself from the creek-bed. Clean yourself up. Then, I can set you on a firm foundation.”
The shepherd does not say to the wayward lamb, “Get yourself untangled from that thorny mess, go to the fold, and anoint and clean yourself. Then I will be your shepherd.”
The lifeguard does not say to the floundering swimmer, “Gather your strength! Fight your way to the shore. I’ll be waiting for you to climb the lifeguard tower where we can then have fellowship.”
No! The farmer leaves the comfort of his house, gets his plow, and plows the soil. He removes the rocks and sows the seed. The cloud graciously gives water to the soil. The sun sends its light more than ninety million miles to the helpless little flower, and seeks it, finds it, and raises it up. The mason seeks out the stone, removes it from the mud and mire, and then cleans it, prepares it, and sets it on the foundation. The shepherd leaves the ninety-nine in the fold, and seeks, finds, rescues, and delivers the little lamb to the fold where he anoints it and tenderly nurses it to strength. The lifeguard leaves the pedestal, and runs to the ocean’s edge, where he dives into the waves, and grabs the drowning one, delivering him safely to shore.
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ came down from His exalted position in Heaven. Philippians 2:5-11 tells us He was High, He was Humbled, and now He is Highly Exalted. He came to “seek and to save that which was lost.” I’m glad He came to where I was, picked me up, breathed life into me, and saved me by His grace. What a wonderful Saviour.
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:8-10). He came to me.