

The members of Mid-Coast Baptist church love missionaries and the involvement that we have in helping them fulfill their duty that they have been sent by their church to perform. We have developed our philosophy concerning missions from the New Testament. Because of what we have learned from the Gospels, the Acts, and the Epistles, we are convinced of the following:

  • New Testament churches are to be actively striving to preach the Gospel to everyone, to baptize those that repent and put their faith in Jesus, and then to teach them to obey everything the Lord has commanded as it is revealed in Scripture. The end result will be churches starting other churches.
  • The Bible authorizes and promotes the concept of churches that are of the same doctrine and practice fellowshipping together for the cause of missions. Because of this, we give cheerfully to help other churches send missionaries to evangelize with the hopes of planting churches.
  • Evangelizing, baptizing, and teaching Biblical doctrine and practice is the work of the New Testament churches of the Lord Jesus Christ. They are the only ones authorized and commissioned by the Lord to fulfill the Great Commission He gave.
  • The great motivation for missionary giving, going, and sending is that the Lord God would be glorified in all the earth as we obey Him by His grace.


A Biblical missionary, also called an evangelist, is a man who has been set apart and sent by a New Testament church to preach the Gospel, baptize those that believe, and teach them the doctrine and practice that the Lord has given His churches as recorded in the Bible.

Mid-Coast Baptist Church is happy that we are able to contribute to the work of several such men who have been sent out of churches that have the same doctrine and practice that we have received from the Lord Jesus Christ. We prayerfully and financially support missionaries who have been sent to Greenland, India, Taiwan, Canada, Lebanon, Australia, the Philippines, South Africa, and some needy cities right here in the USA. In the future, as the Lord gives opportunity, we hope to assist more men in other areas of the world.